PHONE:   (919) 803-4890

RSG collaborates with its clients, corporations, local agencies and educational institutions through a series of processes to address potential threats and hazards with an integrated risk management process through the use of industry best practices and techniques.  RSG will focus on the people and your organization's critical assets as they align with the goals and strategies; then develop possible solutions that not only mitigate the potential loss but creates a cultural change towards security awareness within your organization.

Strong security starts with planning - RSG utilizes a full spectrum of tools to address physical security, access control, consequence and crisis management, incident analysis and loss prevention.  RSG will work with you to mitigate existing vulnerabilities or preventing potential threats.  With RSG by your side we will develop plans and  procedures that are tailored to your unique concerns. 

In those instances where unfortunate events and circumstances arise and losses are discovered or threats made; RSG can review the events or actions to identify the vulnerabilities, whether accidental or intentional. 


Security Planning

RSG investigative team will utilize all resources and tools to obtain, analyze and identify  solutions or answers to those critical questions on your issues or concerns

RSG will use surveys, interviews, and observations to conduct comprehensive security audit, risk assessment and threat analysis to determine your vulnerabilities and develop  plans to mitigate them.

RSG will conduct an operational analysis and identify technology, training, and processes to prepare your organization for those uncertainities whether manmade or natural in order to mitigate any impact on your bottom-line. 

What We Do

Contingency Planning